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General inquiries

For general inquiries, please contact Sygnum via e-mail to [email protected]


Sygnum Bank AG
Uetlibergstrasse 134A,
8045 Zurich, Switzerland
General inquiries:
+41 58 508 2000

Sygnum Singapore

Sygnum Pte. Ltd.
3 Fraser Street,
#04-22 DUO Tower
Singapore 189352
General inquiries:
+65 6015 8808

Sygnum Bank Middle East, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Sygnum Bank Middle East
Al Sarab Tower, Floor 11, #204, ADGM Square,
Al Maryah Island
PO Box 35356,
Abu Dhabi, UAE
General inquiries:
+971 2 8124171

Job enquiries

Sygnum has a range of exciting and diverse job opportunities across our Zurich and Singapore hubs, including blockchain engineering, software development, client facing positions, business strategy and more. Find out more here.

Complaints and feedback

Your satisfaction as a client or potential client is important to us, although we may not always be able to meet all expectations. Please contact us via our contact form, so we may address your feedback, and please refer to this further information here.

Stay alert to fraudulent communications

Sygnum Bank will never post messages in social media networks or private messaging applications that provide investment advice or ask you to login to your account, share your private key seed phrase, change your password, make deposits, transfer funds or make any other financial transactions. These requests are fraudulent.

There are individuals who may attempt to impersonate trusted organisations such as Sygnum Bank or their staff to get access to your information and financial assets. Sygnum Bank urges you to stay alert to potentially fraudulent emails, calls, SMS’s and content on messaging and social networks that pretend to represent Sygnum Bank AG in Switzerland or Sygnum Pte Ltd in Singapore, our staff, advisors and partners.

If you come across unsolicited messages related to Sygnum, please do not reply or open any electronic files or click on any links and report them immediately.

Follow us on our official social media channels:

Sygnum is active on social media to engage with our clients, partners and the global crypto community. You can only trust Sygnum information published via our website and our official social channels:

Sygnum Bank will never post messages in these, or any other social media networks or private messaging applications, that provide investment advice or ask you to login to your account, share your private key seed phrase, change your password, make deposits, transfer funds or make any other financial transactions. These requests are fraudulent.

Contact us

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Local restrictions – Provision of cross-border services

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If you are located in Switzerland, please click “Continue” to access the Sygnum Bank AG (Sygnum) website.

If you are not located in Switzerland, please read below.

This website and the information contained herein are addressed solely to persons residing or domiciled in Switzerland.

Sygnum is a regulated bank supervised by the Swiss Market Financial Authority (FINMA). The products and services on this website are authorised in Switzerland. Sygnum cannot promote its products and services in other countries where it is not authorised by the supervisory authority of that country to do so.

If you click on “Continue” to visit this website, you confirm that you have read and understood the above and you are visiting this website on your own initiative without any active promotion or solicitation from Sygnum.

Investor qualification

The following content is available to qualified investors. Please confirm your details below to visit this page, or please see our other digital asset updates here.

Security alert

Stay alert to fraudulent communications. Sygnum will never post messages on social media or private messaging applications regarding Sygnum banking access or logins. If you have concerns, contact us.
