Digital Asset Multi-Manager Fund

Digital Asset Multi-Manager Fund

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Alpha oriented

Actively managed fund of best-in-class investment managers across a set of excess return opportunities.


Exposure to a diversified portfolio including absolute return strategies as well as strategies with a long bias.

Asymmetric investment outcome

The fund targets to participate in the crypto megatrend with larger up- than downside participation.

Key facts

Strategy manager Sygnum Pte Ltd
Strategy Diversified Multi-Manager
Legal structure Open-ended fund
Domicile Cayman Islands
Administrator Apex Fund Services
Auditor KPMG Cayman
Custodian Mainstream
Legal Allen & Gledhill, Walkers
Independent directors Calderwood
Swiss representation Acolin
Paying Agent Cantonal Bank of Geneva
Inception date 01 November 2019
Base currency USD
Management fee 1.5%
Performance fee (high watermark) A: 5% / B: 10% / C: 15%
ISIN (Class) A: KYG863391010 / B: KYG863391192 / C: KYG863391275
As of the end of last month.

Trading Information

Minimum ticket size USD 100,000
Subscription Monthly, 7-day notice
Redemption Quarterly, 60-day notice (12 months soft lockup)
Subscription fee Up to 5%
Redemption fee 3% (first 12 months)
Trading currency USD
Bloomberg ticker A: SYGDAMM KY / B: SYGDAMB KY

Portfolio metrics

Since inception 152.1%
Since inception, ann. 28.7%
1 year -14.9%
Best month 43.1%
Worst month -32.0%
Inception to date alpha 39.2%
Inception to date betaratio 113.0%
Volatility 60.4%
Sharpe ratio 0.5
As of the end of last month

Portfolio breakdown

Chart 1

    Chart 2

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      The investment objective is to provide exposure to a diversified set of excess return opportunities in the crypto market, including absolute return strategies as well as strategies with a long bias.  The fund targets to participate in the crypto megatrend with larger up- than downside participation. 

      Investment approach

      The fund invests across all core strategies, seeking out best-in-class crypto hedge fund managers that exhibit unique investment skills. The inefficiencies in the crypto space present greater opportunities for excess returns than traditional asset classes, and the fund aims to capitalise on these. The fund diversifies across strategies, both quantitative and fundamental, research oriented and trading oriented, including market neutral strategies such as arbitrage and systematic trading, as well as discretionary trading and fundamentally oriented token selection strategies. 

      The asset allocation is driven by the alpha opportunities for the various strategies over a medium-term horizon and risks are mitigated by diversifying the portfolio across strategies and managers. 

      Sygnum continuously monitors the underlying managers and assesses new managers for potential inclusion through an institutional due diligence process. 

      Risk/return profile

      The fund targets a 50 percent exposure to the market through a mixture of market long and market neutral strategies, and a reduced volatility relative to the market. The excess return achieved over time translates into greater upside than downside participation in the market. The fund invests primarily in liquid strategies, with a small maximum exposure to attractive illiquid strategies. 

      What can investors expect

      • Long-term capital appreciation through exposure to the crypto megatrend 
      • Excess returns over the Fund’s market exposure 
      • Reduced volatility and drawdowns relative to the crypto market  
      • Access to best-in-class managers at preferential fees 
      • Larger upside than downside capture ratio 

      How to invest

      Sygnum clients can invest via their Sygnum relationship manager. Institutional and private qualified investors can contact the Sygnum Asset Management team directly.

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