Join our Sygnum podcast host, Aliya Das Gupta, in our latest episode: our guests Dominic Williams, Founder and Chief Scientist at DFINITY, and Walter Strametz, CTO Strategic Initiatives at Sygnum, dive into the fascinating fusion of AI and blockchain tech. They explore impactful use cases that distinguish this tech from classic blockchain applications, digging into the intersection of AI and blockchain tech that offers ground-breaking solutions.
We cover:
- AI seems to be the hottest buzzword in tech. What sort of use cases will have a strong impact and how do they differ from classic blockchain use cases?
- Where do you see the strongest intersection of AI and blockchain? What are the key points of convergence between these two technologies in applications for end users?
- To take it a step further than looking at use-cases: De-AI, or Decentralized AI is also catching headlines. Why should it be explored and what benefits does it offer?
- Blockchain smart contracts enable automated and trustless transactions. How can AI leverage smart contracts to automate processes, and what are the implications for different industries?
- There are also suggestions around improving AI data security using blockchain. Where will this be applicable?
- What are applications listeners can already engage with that are leveraging both technologies? How are these apps superior to their web2 / non-AI counterparts?
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