How can I trade crypto assets with Sygnum?
You need to become a Sygnum client in order to trade. Once you are onboarded, you can trade by either logging into the Sygnum e-banking portal for your account, using an API, or by contacting your Relationship Manager or our Trading Desk directly to place your order. You can apply to become a client here.
Which cryptocurrencies does Sygnum support for trading?
Sygnum allows you to trade a growing range of more than 30 digital assets against USD, CHF, EUR and SGD. For an overview of the currencies availalbe for trading, please see our spot trading information and crypto asset market prices. Please contact our Trading desk or your Relationship Manager if you have questions about additional digital assets or fiat currencies.
Please click here for an overview of the digital assets we offer for custody, staking, trading and lending. Further tokens are available on request.
Which fiat currencies can I trade against?
Sygnum allows you to trade more than 20 digital assets against USD, CHF, EUR and SGD. For a full overview of currencies see our spot trading information and crypto asset listings. Please contact our Trading desk or your Relationship Manager if you have questions about additional digital assets and fiat currencies.
Please click here for an overview of the digital assets we offer for custody, staking, trading and lending. Further tokens are available on request.
Does Sygnum offer options?
Sygnum offers European options directly via our Trading desk, giving them trading access to a fully regulated, unique, institutional-grade OTC options offering. Options strategies allow investors to hedge market risk, profit from troughs, enhance yield or exploit future price moves with limited risk.
Learn more about Sygnum’s options offering here.
What are Sygnum’s trading and operating hours?
Our regulated e-banking portal offers 24/7 trading, i.e. trade orders can be placed, will be executed and can be cancelled 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Executed trade orders are settled from Mon-Fri, 8:00-17:00 CET during our business hours (i.e. assets deposited and withdrawn). However, pending proceeds from unsettled trades can already be used for further trades immediately after a trade execution.
How can trade orders be placed at Sygnum?
Trade orders can be placed directly in our e-banking platform or by contacting our Trading desk or your Relationship Manager. Further details on contacting us are here.
Which trading pairs does Sygnum offer?
Sygnum currently offers the following trading pairs across more than 20 digital assets and USD, CHF, EUR and SGD. For a full overview of currencies see our spot trading information and crypto asset listings. Please contact our Trading desk or your Relationship Manager if you have questions about additional digital assets and fiat currencies.
Please click here for an overview of the digital assets we offer for custody, staking, trading and lending. Further tokens are available on request.